If you’ve ever seen a child looking a little too young to be a little too good on a bike, chances are they learned on a Strider Bike.

toddler riding green strider bike

Since 2007, Strider Bikes has helped kids, toddlers, and even babies learn how to balance and gain confidence on a bike so they can easily transition to riding. Strider balance bikes don’t have pedals so kids and even adults learn how to waddle, and then glide, and then eventually, pedal.

strider and binkybro giveaway

Balance bikes come in sizes that fit babies to adults as part of Strider Bikes’ inclusive biking program. Strider Bikes offers a convertible bike with a pedal add-on kit so your balance bike can grow with your kid.

toddler riding strider bike

A mission at BinkyBro is to get families outside by our SURF, SNOW, SKATE motto. But kids learning a lifelong skill they can do with the whole fam bam doesn’t stop at surfing, snowboarding, or skating.

binkybro toddler and strider bike

Strider and BinkyBro have partnered for an exciting giveaway because biking is another activity that gets whole families outside so they can GO BIG and BE EPIC together.

BinkyBro will be randomly picking three winners who will EACH receive:

  • A customized Strider Bike,
  • $500 in BinkyBro credit, *and*
  • $1000 cash.

Now that’s epic. To enter the giveaway:

  • Follow both @BinkyBro and @StriderBikes on Instagram.
  • Then, like, comment on, and repost the giveaway post within 48 hours.
  • Enter your email using a link in our stories.
kids riding strider bikes

The winners will be chosen randomly and will be sent an email, so please don’t reach out to us. Remember to watch out for fake accounts and don’t click on anything that looks suspicious in your email or Instagram DMs.

binkybro toddler strider giveaway

Don’t miss out on this amazing giveaway that will help your kid go as they grow—and look cool all the while.

Remember to follow both @BinkyBro and @StriderBikes on Instagram to enter our BinkyBro + Strider Bikes giveaway!


August 15, 2024 — Matthew Fisler