Of course this time of year is known for Easter activities like dyeing Easter eggs, a backyard egg hunt, and Sunday morning Easter baskets. But beyond the classics, the Easter holiday is the perfect chance to come together as a family and celebrate spring and all things new.

binky bro on easter

Mondos Mauve Binky Bro Hat

If you’re looking for new spins on tried-and-true Easter traditions, look no further. Here are five activities to help round out your Easter holiday weekend and make the most of the spring weather and time spent together.

Easter Activity 1: Glow-in-the-Dark Egg Hunt

Perhaps the most classic Easter activity is an egg hunt—but if you’re looking for something that might appeal to older kids, turn your egg hunt upside down and do it at night. Get glow sticks and flashlights for the kiddos and turn them loose at dusk. Finding eggs in the dark is just the element that will help keep older kids excited about this Easter tradition.

The great thing about an Easter egg hunt is you can make it as small or big as you want. Invite the neighborhood or just do it with your own family. Either way, staying up late to look for eggs is a tradition your kids won’t soon forget.

binky bro family on easter

Easter Activity 2: Scavenger Hunt for Easter Baskets

Many families wake up on Easter Sunday to baskets from the Easter bunny. For a new spin on this tradition, plan a scavenger hunt to find the Easter baskets. Think Blue’s Clues—draw a few pictures leading the kids from one clue to another until they find their Easter baskets.

This Easter activity doesn’t take long to plan and execute and can be catered to the age of your kids. You can make the clues difficult or easy and have as few clues as two or three to as many as you have the energy to make. This is another way to help older kids participate and get excited about a classic family tradition.

binky bro spring drop

Don’t forget to check out our new spring drop of BinkyBro hats, tees, and more to tuck inside all your Easter baskets!

Easter Activity 3: Color Easter Eggs Your Way!

We’ve graduated from just dunking hard-boiled eggs in vinegar and food coloring—there are so many fun, creative ways to color Easter eggs. You can use food coloring in shaving cream for a tie-dye effect, you can use onion skins and other natural materials for a non-toxic dyeing method, you can buy wooden eggs and paint them, you can try the traditional Ukrainian method for Pysanky eggs with beeswax.

easter activity: dye eggs


No matter how young or old your family is, you can find a way to dye Easter eggs, or a combination of methods, to make this classic, creative activity a (messy) joy in your home.

Easter Activity 4: Spring Flower and Plant Identification Walk

A twist on a scavenger hunt is a plant and flower identification walk. Make a list of native plants and flowers that are budding in the springtime in your area and see who can spot them all. If you’re looking for something to get everyone out of the house and enjoy the beautiful spring weather (or maybe the blustery spring weather, depending on where you live), this could be just the ticket.

binky bro and dad on easter

If your family is not religious, this is a secular way to spend quality time together as a family outdoors and to celebrate all the beautiful new life the springtime brings.

Easter Activity 5: Make a Dessert Together

Another non-denominational way to celebrate the season is by rolling up your sleeves and making a dessert together. Kids love to help bake, and you can make this activity as kid-friendly or even as competitive as you want. You could have a cookie-decorating contest, or you could have a bake off under the tent a la The Great British Bake Off. Or, help your littles simply dump spring-colored M&Ms into your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe.

binky bro easter activities

No matter what Easter activities you do, spending time with family can help your kids feel excited about a new season and new opportunities. Happy Easter, Binky Fam!

Did BinkyBro make it into your Easter baskets? Tag us on Instagram @BinkyBro to get featured on our page!

March 28, 2024 — Matthew Fisler